CATANIA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The MEDITeH BEYOND International Summit ended today in Catania. A series of workshops and debates were organized during two days of meetings dedicated to science and diplomacy, promoted by Diplomatia in collaboration with the Commission for Health Policy (HCP) and the Scientific Directorate of Francesco Gabbrielli. The aim of these initiatives is to create a project based on cooperation for the future of the digital health ecosystem and telemedicine and to sanction the start of a collaborative network dedicated to research and development in these sectors, in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East regions. The Summit, therefore, serves as a continuous and lasting project that wants to highlight Italy’s commitment to finding areas of transnational cooperation.
“A collaborative network, the MEDITeH Network, has already been launched, which unites two worlds and creates a transnational opportunity that goes far beyond geographical boundaries and conventions with a view to real collaboration in terms of digital innovation. On the second day of the Summit, ten working groups have put their synergy on present challenges and future prospects. MEDITeH Beyond was not only a convention of technicians and scientists but meant the meeting between the world of digital Healthcare and the diplomatic one, attracting the interest of 20 countries from the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East of which 14 actively participated with their diplomatic representatives”, said Francesco Gabbrielli, Head of Research and Development on the clinical activity in telemedicine of Agenas.
“Italy is, by tradition, the north of the Mediterranean countries and the south of Europe, or a factor of coexistence, moreover it is seen as an advanced nation in the medical field, throughout Europe. This gives us two responsibilities: helping others provide valuable medicine to patients who often don’t have the opportunity. And, at the same time, promoting, at network level in the Mediterranean area, the development of medicine to promote, even where in some cases it is not easy, a better doctor-patient relationship”. This was said by Alberico L. Catapano, Director of the Department of Pharmacology and Biomolecular Sciences at the State University of Milan, who was one of the national speakers invited to bring their contribution to the congress and member of the scientific committee.
“Through the digital emergence, the world of healthcare has irreversibly evolved. The Summit is of particular importance at international level as the issue of health is of primary interest to all governments. The word ‘Beyond’ embodies the concept of overcoming barriers and boundaries on a cross-theme on a global level,” declared Giovanni Castellaneta, President of Diplomatia.
“The MEDITeH conference has not only an important and qualified scientific value. It paves the way for a growing digital and medical connection between Mediterranean countries, Africa and the Middle East that will have important social and institutional strength,” said Mario Boffo, Head of Diplomatic Relations at Diplomatia.
Health is a global priority, and innovation is the tool to respond to emerging needs in an efficient, personalised and integrated way. In fact, the health, the well-being and the life of citizens around the world require an increasingly interconnected approach. Addressing health challenges, in a changing and evolving world, invites cooperation between countries to identify together processes and new tools to
partner with each other.
The first day included an important in-depth session on the evolution of the biomedical sciences and a workshop to share the present and near future scenario on digital technologies at the service of the medical-scientific sector, with frontal reports of distinguished scientists and national and international professionals invited to the Summit.
The second day of the Summit was dedicated to group work on digital health attended by accredited delegates at the Summit. The discussion addressed several macro-themes, highlighting the possibilities of cooperation and development of telemedicine services in the current reality and highlighting the prospects of future healthcare application research.
The groups worked on five aspects: accessibility to treatment and prevention; management of major emergencies (such as, for example, pandemics, earthquakes and natural disasters); protection of chronic patients; care and rehabilitation in digital healthcare; clinical care and research in oncology.
All Delegates and Coordinators of the Working Groups have contributed to the elaboration of a position paper that will subsequently be finalised and validated by the Scientific Committee to be released publicly.
During the event, two more round tables were held, moderated by Francesco Gabbrielli, Lead of R&D on clinical activity in telemedicine, National Agency for Regional Healthcare – AGENAS, Rome, Carola Salvato, Member of the Board of Directors Diplomatia; Spokeperson for the healthcare working group #InclusioneDonna?.
The first workshop entitled ‘Startup Innovation’, took part Giuseppe Andreoni, Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Design; Luca Buscioni, CEO & Founder PharmaPrime; Carola Cantaluppi, Public Affairs Manager InnovUp; Federico Chinni, Managing Director UCB Italy; Stefano Crisci, Professor of IA Law La Sapienza University Rome; CBA Partner; Roberta Gilardi, Delegate/Ambassador ASSD, CEO G-Gravity Milan; Marzia Minozzi, Head of Regulation and Legislation ASSTEL; Danilo Mirabile, Harmonic Innovation Group; Manuele Monti, CEO & Founder TechBricks; Marco Venturelli, Ambassador Life Sciences Federated Innovation @MIND
During the second round table, entitled ‘Contribution of women’s vision to the development of digital health’, participated Laura Antonioli, Medical Affairs Head at UCB; Elena Bottinelli, Head of digital transition and transformation, San Donato Group, Milan; Monica Calamai, President of “Donne Protagonistae in Sanità” Association, Ferrara; Juli Hysenbelli, Connected Care Lead Global Healthcare, Non-Profit organisations – WWPS; Laura Patrucco, President of Scientific Association for Digital Health (ASSD), Rome; Lucia Tuccitto, President ADGI Catania.

– photo Havas –