MAZARA DEL VALLO (TRAPANI) (ITALPRESS) – The visit of the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Monsignor Angelo Giurdanella, is underway in Tunis to meet the new Archbishop of Tunis Monsignor Nicolas Lhernould who was ordained a few weeks ago. The two local Churches have been twinned for decades, maintaining sincere and intense collaborative relationships.
Monsignor Giurdanella and Monsignor Lhernould are visiting some of the work related to the Church in Tunis that deals with charity, young people, and children. “Together we can today renew our pact of ecclesial peacefulness, a testimonial presence in the Mediterranean as peace workers, passing through with the gentle wisdom of the Gospel the dust of violence and war which daily undermine every certainty, with the hope of a world where everyone feels like a brother and sister to revive the vocation of our Mediterranean towards peace. Every encounter is generative of a good, holy, and blessed life”, wrote the Bishop of Mazara del Vallo in his message to Monsignor Lhernould.
Monsignor Giurdanella highlighted how “minority is our common necessary place. We cannot remain silent or, I would like to say, not take sides in the face of the cries and tragedies that are happening in humanity.”
The Bishop of Mazara also reiterated how “the two sister Churches are on the side of the vulnerable, they are on the side of the innocent victims, they are on the side of God because they reason with the presence of the Crucified-Risen One in every story of injustice and persecuted innocence.”
Also accompanying Bishop Giurdanella are Don Marco Laudicina and Don Francesco Fiorino, director of the twinning office between the two Churches. On the occasion of these new twinning activities (a group of faithful priests had already visited Tunis a few months ago). 3,070.40 euros were collected in the Diocese to support the twinning activities.
– Photo: Diocese of Mazara del Vallo press office –