VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltese Prime minister Robert Abela declared that former Finance Minister, today occupying the post of Central Bank of Malta governor Edward Scicluna will not be asked to resign. Scicluna is facing criminal proceedings for suspected fraudulent gain and misappropriation in connection to the inquiry into the fraudulent of three state hospitals concession.
Meanwhile, Robert Abela has also confirmed that his predecessor Joseph Muscat will be keeping his generous severance package and perks including a diplomatic passport despite facing charges of money laundering and bribery in relation to the controversial hospital concession deemed fraudulent and cancelled by the courts.
Former PM Muscat will be charged before court on May, 28 while former Finance Minister Edward Scicluna will be accused the day after. The charges were issued after the conclusion of a four-year magisterial inquiry into the Vitals Global Healthcare hospitals deal, which was struck down by the civil court last year.
Prime Minister Abela confirmed that he is refusing to remove or seek the resignation of Central Bank of Malta governor Edward Scicluna, and declared that he considered him among the people who he pledged to defend and support for “loyally serving the state”.
Scicluna sits on the council of governors of the European Central Bank and is also a member of the board of the Malta Financial Services Authority.
The Nationalist Opposition, the civil society and various NGOs and associations are insisting on Sciclunàs resignation. While the Opposition organized a protest infront of the parliament last Monday, the civil society led by NGO Repubblika will organize a national protest for justice in Valletta next Thursday.
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