CAIRO (EGYPT) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Morocco chaired the plenary session on guaranteeing migrants’ right of access to basic services, as part of the second regional review of the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly Migration and regular, known as the Marrakech Pact. The session, which was held in Cairo, was attended by representatives of Arab governments, international organizations, institutions and NGOs interested in migration issues. Ismail Chekkouri, representative of Morocco and president of the plenary, underlined the importance of the effective implementation of Objective 15 of the Global Compact, which consists in working to guarantee migrants’ right of residence and access to basic services.
The challenges and crises facing the Arab region have not prevented these countries, particularly Morocco, from making progress by implementing programs and developing good practices that allow migrants to access basic health services, such as health, education and professional training, he specified. At the conclusion of the work, Chakouri called for joint efforts to highlight the positive contribution of migrants to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and to the fight against the increase in hatred, racism and discrimination.
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