PALERMO (ITALPRESS/MNA) – According to the Municipality of the Sicilian capital, 350 thousand people have poured into the street to celebrate the ‘Santuzza’ This confirms a record turnout for the 400th feast of Santa Rosalia in Palermo.
“It was a popular party,” commented the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla, adding, “It was a party offered to the many tourists visiting Palermo, on the occasion of the fifteenth-century feast of Santa Rosalia in the city of Palermo. Yesterday evening showed that the emotion felt during this year’s feast is still strong, which, I am sure, will remain in the memory of the many who have been able to live it up so closely. The wish is that the message that we wanted to convey in this feast, which is hope and desire to be reborn, remains imprinted, but also an invitation to love and respect the city and to do it together.
Lagalla said the fifteenth century was organized in a spirit of collaboration and synergy. “For this, I must thank the Curia and Archbishop Lorefice for the path of sharing undertaken already last year given the fifteenth-century anniversary. I thank Deputy Mayor Cannella and his personnel, the Council, and the committees that contributed to the realization of the feast, from the Sicilian Region to the Sicilian Regional Assembly, and to all the cultural and trade associations. My thanks go to the organizers, starting with Marco Balich who believed in the story of Santa Rosalia and her miracle. A heartfelt thanks to the Administrative officials and to those who allowed the feast to be held safely and, therefore, to all the police, the Commissioner, the Municipal Police, the Civil Protection, and all the voluntary associations.”
The Mayor of Palermo mentioned the great curiosity around this feast, as confirmed by the surge in visits, amounting to 134% more than shown in recent weeks by the website dedicated to this year’s edition. “I thank the journalists, even those who came from other parts of Italy and abroad.”
Finally, Roberto Lagalla thanked the cleaning companies that have already been at work since last night, in particular the areas of Cala and Foro Italico. He also thanked the creative companies that allowed the realization of this feast and its story, the Balich Wonder Studio, the Odd Agency, and AlbaMedia including all the artists, workers, and volunteers who have enabled this incredible success”.
– photo Comune Palermo –