ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki proposed a strategic partnership with Italy on four priority sectors during a bilateral summit with the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. Also present during the summit representatives from large Italian companies. Renewable energy, water, manufacturing and infrastructure for road, rail and port development were listed as the priority sectors for the economic and productive development of Eritrea. Discussions were also focused on new and further collaborations into mining, agriculture and livestock, tourism and air transport for the recovery of Asmara. Healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors were also on top of the agenda. “The desire for Italy emerges everywhere and it shows the awareness that our country can play a fundamental role today for the development of Eritrea and for the stability of the area”, stated Minister Urso on the sidelines of the summit, while visiting some companies and production plants in the Asmara region. During the official visit to Eritrea, Urso is accompanied by an Italian delegation made up of the director of Enel Grids & Innovability, the managing director of the Fincantieri Infrastrutture Polo, the International Affairs manager of Ferrovie dello Stato, and the International Agronomic director of Ferrara land reclamation. This morning the delegation visited some production sites, together with the Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed, the economic advisor Hagos Gebrehiwet and the Minister of industry and trade, Nesredin Bekit. The delegation visited the Asmara station, from where the railway connection to Massawa was built by the Italians; the glass factory another project built by the Italians which was abandoned for decades, an important dam recently built with a photovoltaic system, and an agricultural area recently converted into plantation. “Italian companies have a natural predisposition to work in Eritrea, as demonstrated by the consolidated relationships developed over the years and the tangible presence of Italy wherever there is a production site, clearly still visible in the machinery and know-how”, commented Urso.
Also present was the head of telemedicine of the Polyclinic “Agostino Gemelli”, who delved deeper into the possible forms of healthcare collaboration at the local hospital in Asmara.
– Photo credit: Mimit press office –