CATANIA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Community Women & Digital Health Project was presented in Catania at the MEDITeH Beyond Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries International Summit: ‘The vision of women to improve the effectiveness of digital health systems’.
According to data from the World Health Organisation, women account for 70% of health personnel. The objective of the Community and the working groups that will be set up is to contribute to the development, growth and innovation in the social and health field, through the development of a female thinking and approach with a multicultural vision and open to exchange and cooperation with all countries involved in the “MEDITeH Network” programme: Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. The professional and personal perspective of women can contribute strongly in terms of innovation to the social and health field, offering a different view of relationships mediated by digital systems, a complementary sensitivity to crucial issues such as accessibility to services, patient care, the role of carers and the organisational significance of health promotion and, finally, the application and development of technologies and AI.
The will and common commitment that emerged from this first meeting and Round Table is to raise awareness and promote awareness on the importance of diversity in decision-making processes, as well as in research and development and implementation, in order to achieve successful goals for the entire health eco-system.
Cooperation between female and male thinking must be a standard practice in the decision-making process to outline the development of new projects for social and health services, and solutions based on the use of digital technologies.
The goal of MEDITEH BEYOND “WOMEN’S VISION” is to encourage the participation of women from the different countries involved in the MEDITeH 2 Beyond project (Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa), but not only, and to foster the exchange of experiences, culture, and background to better reflect the needs and challenges we will face between the next five years in identifying solutions in the digital health system.
“It has always been important to have opinions of men and women because the contribution of different experiences and sensitivities is fundamental, the Navajo Tribe already knew, in the council there were always the presence of two elderly women. Then it also became an ethical value in modern civilisation. Today, with the use of digital technologies it is also a necessity because digital systems must be designed and programmed to interact optimally even with gender differences”, declared Prof. Francesco Gabbrielli, Head of Research and Development on Clinical Activity in Telemedicine of the National Agency for Regional Health Services – AGENAS and Co-Chair of the ‘Women’s Vision’ Round Table.
“During the round table we started with some simple but fundamental observations reflecting on how digital technologies can influence health and related choices, and how women’s analysis and the point of observation of women can improve digital systems in human-machine interaction and experience but also how gender issues can be considered in the context of digital health to draw solutions increasingly consistent with the emerging needs and expectations of citizens, all inclusive,” said Carola Salvato, President of GWPR Italy, Spokeperson Health Work Table of #InclusioneDonna, Co-Chair of the Round Table with Prof. Francesco Gabbrielli.
The themes of the Community on the agenda: enhancement of gender differences in the design of digital systems, methods of leadership, valorisation of academic and non-academic research, vocational training, different representations, networking and international cooperation projects, participation in events (spokes person).
The Community project will soon have an international connotation, and will be available to the countries present at the first edition of the Summit.
The Community wants to take advantage of the multidisciplinarity, diversity and complementarity of its members. This approach will allow a transversal and synergetic experience on the subject, which will be deepened from multiple angles, perspectives and opportunities so as to also facilitate the creation of some working groups on topics of particular relevance.
International experts from different fields such as medicine, research, computer science, sociology, communication, stakeholders, the public and private context and more will be involved to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities related to and the potential associated with the intersection of women, digital health, telemedicine and the community.
This first meeting co-moderated by Professor Francesco Gabbrielli and Carola Salvato saw the participation of an important panel of professionals and the patronage of #InclusioneDonna, a network to which 75 associations and almost 50 ambassadors adhere, representatives of wide sectors of professions and female entrepreneurship in our country, as well as the presence of AISIS, ASSD, Women Protagonists in Healthcare, Federated Innovation @MIND, GWPR Italy, and Leads, Women Leaders in Health.
On the panel during the event held in Catania: Debora Angeletti, Member of the AISIS Board – Laura Antonioli, Medical Affairs Head at UCB Italy – Elena Bottinelli, Head of digital transition and transformation, San Donato Group, Milan – Monica Calamai, President of “Donne Protagonistae in Sanità” Association, Ferrara – Marina D’Artibale, Vice President Capgemini Invent, Co Leads founder – Juli Hysenbelli, Global Lead Connected Care, Amazon Web Services – Stefania Mancini, Advocacy, Ambassador #InclusioneDonna, Inspiring Fifty Laura Patrucco, President of Scientific Association for Digital Health (ASSD) – Carola Salvato, President GWPR Italy, Spokeperson Healthcare Working Group #InclusioneDonna – Paola Testori, Ambassador Future of Health, Federated Innovation @MIND – Lucia Tuccitto, President ADGI Catania.
-photo Havas –