RABAT (MOROCCO) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The challenges related to water management in Morocco, in light of water stress, and the importance of the Palestinian cause were the central themes of the speech given by the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, on the occasion of the Feast of the Throne. In his speech to the nation on Monday evening, Mohammed VI underlined the vital importance of continuously updating the national water policy and defining a strategic objective, whatever the circumstances, to address the growing demand for water and its constraints. This strategic objective consists of guaranteeing drinking water for all citizens and covering at least 80% of the irrigation needs of the entire national territory. The king considered it “essential to complete the dam construction program, prioritizing projects planned in regions subject to significant rainfall.” In this context, he appealed to accelerate the implementation of large water transfer projects between hydraulic basins, guaranteeing the connection between the Oued Laou-Larache and Loukous basins and that of the Oued Oum Er-Rbia, passing through the Oued Sebou and Bouregreg Basins. He also called for accelerating the construction of seawater desalination plants, according to the program established to ensure an annual supply of more than 1.7 billion cubic meters. “By 2030, Morocco will be able to cover more than half of its drinking water needs from these stations, irrigate important agricultural areas, and thus strengthen its food security,” specified the king. In his speech Mohammed VI cited the case of the Casablanca desalination plant, the largest project of this type in Africa and the second plant in the world that will be powered 100% by clean energy, underlining that the biggest challenge “remains the construction of the planned stations and related renewable energy projects, within the established timescales and without any delay”.
He also underlined the need to accelerate the completion of the electrical interconnection project which aims to transport renewable energy from the Southern Provinces to the Center and the North, a project which aims to power desalination plants with clean energy. The king called for the development of a national water desalination industry, the creation of training courses for specialized engineers and technicians, and the encouragement to create national enterprises specializing in the construction and maintenance of desalination stations. Referring to the issue of rationalizing the use of water, the king underlined that it is “totally crazy” to spend tens of billions on the mobilization of water resources. In contrast “forms of waste and improper use of water persist”. King Mohammed VI also referred to the Palestinian cause. As chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, he recalled his initiative that led “to the opening of an unprecedented corridor to provide food and urgent medical aid to our brothers in Gaza.” A personal commitment for which the interest of the Kingdom in the internal affairs of our country cannot distract us from the tragedy of the brotherly Palestinian people. With this commitment, the king promised to continue to support “constructive initiatives aimed at finding practical solutions for the ending of a concrete and lasting ceasefire and the recovery of the humanitarian situation”.
For King Mohammed VI, “the worsening situation in the region requires abandoning the crisis management attitude in favor of finding a definitive solution to this conflict”. He added, “if achieving the cessation of hostilities in Gaza is an urgent priority, this must happen in parallel with the opening of a new political horizon to establish a just and lasting peace in the region”, explained Mohammed VI to whom every peace process must be maintained by all extremists and on all sides. He recommended that “the negotiations should serve to relaunch the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli parties while blocking the path to extremists on all sides”. King Mohammed VI also recalled Moroccòs position for the solution of two states living side by side in security and stability.
– Photo credit: Map –